When going through a hypersomnolence sleep diagnosis, we are asked to check out sleep hygiene. Whilst this is useful in ruling out other disorders it seems pretty pointless going forward. Yes, I keep to a regular sleep schedule, but the rest? Is sleep hygiene relevant to IH following a diagnosis?
I can have strong coffee before bed, and the TV can be on (or my phone). I can eat late, have a disruptive routine before bed, and my bedroom can be set up like a Trench in WW1.
But guess what? Every night without fail I go to sleep, sometimes without remembering it. My naps are ALWAYS longer than 30 minutes. I have NO disrupted sleep, because IH is about long deep sleep.
However we’re still being told that a sign of poor sleep hygiene is excessive daytime sleepiness (and disrupted sleep). I could have perfect sleep hygiene and still have EDS, because it is a part of my illness.
Perhaps now the discussion needs to move forward as sleep hygiene should be a focus for poor sleepers and those with insomnia. Not those of us who have no problem sleeping